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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

short post today.:)how much do u me.

6:56 AM | back to top

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

today I did my 2.4.recently I just feel so unwell..wonder wads happenin to me.while I was runnin my 2.4 my lungs n heart hurt so much..i almost puke when I was runnin..after my run.i went to the bench near the bball court n lie down there.kept coughin n I taste puke in my mouth.tummy,heart n lungs so pain..i feel so disappointed wif my timin.14.50.so slow lor..last time cn finish it in a in 12 plus mins.nw..haiz..maybe nw gettin old n lazy to go n train le bahz..
life wif out u feel so different..maybe in the end we r better to be friends bahz..after tis post I will try my v v v best to forget u..i wonder how long it take...

8:06 AM | back to top

Friday, May 6, 2011

maybe in the end bloggin is still my life bahz..at least i have a place to let all the happy n unhappy things come out..nobody to talk to..sigh..i let his bros gf say me until i am like a fucker..wad cn i do..maybe i am as bad as he tell them wad i am..its just tt idk..i made him suffer for so long..ended up it ended in a way tt it is all my fault..all they noe is my bad stuff..have they heard my story??i fell so...i myself do even noe how to say it out..maybe in the end i cnt last long if ppl..sld have noe it from the start..then at least nw i will still have one more friend..n i wun have hurt other ppl..he is like my besties bro..nw i also donno how to face him anymore..maybe its time i go back to loner life..i maybe lonely bt at least i wun have so much troubles..n by tt time i wun bother bout wad ppl say bout me anymore..i wun bother tryin to clear up all tis shit cause if its nt done properly wad they think bout me will be worse..feelin so..sad n disappointed..nw i noe how u think bout me..in the end n finalli..n i learn smth new..a thought cn kill someone..so next time i wun i thought anymore..cause i noe the feelin of i thought nw..

signin off-DoReEn...


9:03 AM | back to top

Monday, March 21, 2011

sick sick sick sick!!!i am sick like a dog...cough like hell..throat dame done.. dam pain..half losin my vioce...wtf is wrong wif me...haiz...finalli my life is bein cleared up wif all the rubbish..nw id=s sick...sick durin holiday sux ttm!!sry for the things tt i have done..all i cn say is tis..hope ur life is nt n will nt be affected by me..sry..
hmm i miss batok so dam much.i miss 324 de chicken rice!!finalli i cn have it tml.hahaha.cause my mummy is feelin better n i cn go out le.hahaha.hmm my mummy v ke lian.fever until 38.9 degree..keep slpin for the whole day..haiz..see liao also heart pain lor...the worst thing was she do wanna go n see a doc..stubbon like me..no wonder we r mother n daughter.hahas.
hmm signin off nw.
love DoReEn=)


5:11 AM | back to top

Thursday, March 10, 2011

i am goin to use harsh words on tis post..maybe its nt harsh..more direct n stright to the point..sick of talkin in a nice manner le..i don wanna be restricted in a manner tt i have to speak properly on my own blog.if u don like wad i am sayin then just press the cross button n i wun hate u cause i wun even noe u did tt i even if i noe i wun give a dam bout it..cause nw i don wanna give a dam bout anything anymore..hate me for all i care..if i offen anybody i will tell u tis..don like nt happy come onli.u gt the balls u kill me don talk behind me back or just talk crap tt u wanna wack me.cause i am goin to tell u tis.action speak louder then words..i don fear u..if u land me in hospital.when i come out i am goin to kill u..my world my style.u don kill me i will kill u for hurtin me..
to ignatius-i realli donno how much u mean to me any more..i realli don have the time n energy for us anymore..so many things happened tis few weeks..somethings i don tell u.there is more then it meets the eye..i maybe always laughin n smilin when i am wif u..bt to tell u smth i have nvr realli show my real emotions to u.cause i noe i mean too much to u n i don wan u to sad wif me..u n my friend may always tell me tis 'hey it's alright.if u r unhappy u cn always speak to me..'  bt i have nt done tt to u.tell u everything.show u my real emotions..noe y.i always believe tt one person sad jiu hao le.y manke two person sad?u already have enough problems..i don wan to add on to urs.i have nvr think tt u playin bball is more important then me..cause i am use to it le..all my ex treat me like tt..so it makes u no diff from them..u cn play bball the whole day n don reply my msg at all.i cn tell u tis..i wun get angry..guys r like tt..i belive tt when u tell me tt i am more imortant then any thing or onr in the world..i think u sld start changin tt mind..i am nt a lastin gf tt u cn have.nw wads more important to u is studies n bball..it sld nt be me..i cn leave u anytime bt bball n studies cn be wif u all the time..i may nt be ur wife..bt after u get a wife next time u still cn play bball n study..how much do u noe me?how well do u noe or enderstand me?do u realli think tt u r for each other?think bout wad i say..n plz stop tahanin...voice out wad u wan or think...sometimes it is realli v irritatin when u tahan n don voice out or fight back..sometimes when a couple quarrel it brins them closer..let them understand each other more although it may brin unhappiness to both parties..
jun wen(bao bei)-i noe things have been hard on u tis few month..i understand how u feel n wad u r goin through..i wanna thanks u for nt playin MIA on me tt time..i realli burst out cryin when i got home.u noe i am tt type of  person tt don like to cry...bt u did it.hahas.don feel guilty bout it..cause i will hate u if u feel guilty..n i noe u r ny those cui gong lan pa gong de ren..i am realli v sry tt i use rather harsh words on u tt day bout angie they all.wun repeat it again..sry.
leslie mummy-although u don have the time for me.i noe u still care for me n dote on me the most..i din say out everything ytd as u cn see the location was abit wrong n there was abit of disturbin here n there.n last long wif daddy alright..will still go n look for u when i have time when u r nt workin n when u end work earli..don be bo xin hor.end work earli nvr work gt time must tell me ar.always say i bo xin u also.haha.
rebern(or bern if u prefer)-thanks for tryin ur best to cheer me up recently.although i have nt no u for a v long time.bt r realli v nice guy..will die for ppl tt kinda ppl.plz have more confient in urself cause u r a funny n gd guy n cmf nt a retard.u treat ur friends in a v nice manner.n i noe tt they all like u alot..in life u lose a little n gain a little.if u lose friends they r at the losin end.nt u.cause they r gonna be stupid ppl tt just lost a super nice friend=).
tis is all i gotta say..think bout wad i say.from the botton of my heart n signin of..


9:45 PM | back to top

Monday, February 28, 2011

today i found out tt i can control my temper more le..smth gd to noe..at least i have learn to talk things in a peaceful manner..settle thing in a calm manner..today is a v sad day for me..i noe i am goin to lose a friend soon..v soon..he wanna play MIA from us..all of us..i respect ur decisions..i wun hate u for doin tt..even if u play MIA from me for a v long time..all i wan u to noe is tis..when ever u need me.i will be there for u..i will nvr say no to u..u noe wad i mean..u n a few other r the friends tt i realli care bout nw..n would actualli go n bother wad is happenin..hope tis year nth will happen to u..i realli don wanna lose u..even though u r just a friend to me..bt u noe how much u n afew other mean to me..u guys have help me too much in life..when ever i fall down u guys will always be there to pick me up..help me find ways to vent my anger n cool me down..i donno wad i cn do wif out u..wif out fail..u will always be there for me..even if the sky is fallin down u will be there to carry the sky for me..even if there is a flood u will always find a boat for me n ferry me safety..cause u noe i have phobia of water..even if it means tt u have to lose ur life to find the boat for me u will do it for me..i regret..i regret nt cherishin u when u r still wif me..y do i always have to wait until the time tt i am losin u then i will noe the pain n feel regretful..y..i kept askin myself y..bt nth seems to come out..hope everythin cn pass smoothly for u..


6:53 AM | back to top

Sunday, February 27, 2011

SMILE=).hahas.i am so happy recently.i have a anniiversary le.wif a guy tt  i like n love.hope tt i cn last long wif him.my anniversary is on 14 feb tts on V day.such a special date for couple.hmm my hubby's name is called Ignatius Tan.such i sweet n nice name right.haha.maybe nt to u bt it is for me.hmm my hubby is a realli sweet guy.one of the best  bf i ever had..he is sweet,nice n careing..almost every day we will chat on the phone. he will let me win in almost  everything.he is a v understandin guy too.just the perfect type of bf i would like to have.tts all for tonight bahz.love u hubby.


11:32 AM | back to top


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